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Current Show Notes
Current and Recent Past
212. Donkey and Mule Behaviors
213. Approaching, Catching, and Handling Companion Birds
214. Better Animal Handling by Distraction and Respect
215. Quotes on Dogs and Horses
217. Selecting a Collar or Harness for a Dog
218. Natural Behaviors of Poultry
219. Pet Ferret Behavior
220. Preventing the Escape of Horses and Livestock from Containment
221. Using a Lariat in Handling Large Animals
222. Human Diseases that can be Acquired from Cats
223. Risks of Injuries from Handling Small and Large Animals
224. Catching and Handling Chickens
225. Cat Containments
226. Anticipation: the Key to Safety Around Horses
227. Legal Considerations of Animal Handling
228. Rabbits as Pets
232. How Horses Molded Human Civilization
233. Vision in Animals and Its Effects on Their Behavior
234. Raccoons and Brain Worms in Humans
236. Hamsters: Miniature Bears with an Attitude
237. Wild Horses in Western States are Domesticated
240. Proper Tying Tips for Horse Handlers
241. Protecting Your Lawn from Your Dog
242. Herding Sheep
243. Natural Behavior of Donkeys
244. Containments for House Cats
245. Horseback Riding Safety for Trail Riding
246. How to Prepare to be a Good Animal Handler
247. Transporting Cattle
248. Caged Birds as Pets
249. Special Equipment for Handling Snakes
250. Rabbits, Cages, and Broken Backs
251. Dog Bites are Increasing in the U.S.
252. The Natural Behavior of Ferrets
253. Poultry Housing
254. Proper Longeing of Horses
255. Care of Senior Dogs
256. Electrical Fencing for Horses and Livestock
258. Zoonoses: Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans
259. Bird Behavior and Basic Handling
260. Yard Fences for Dogs
261. Capture and Release of Horses: Part I
262. Capture and Release of Horses: Part II
263. Hearing in Animals
264. Understanding Camelids: Alpacas and Llamas
265. Handling Alpacas and Llamas
266. Using South American Camelids as Pack Animals
269. Diseases That Can Be Transmitted from Reptile Pets to Humans
271. Selection and Use of Dog Crates
272. Recommended Knives for Horsemen
274. Illegal Trafficking of Wildlife
275. Selection and Care of Barn Cats
276. Use of Voice, Touch, and Body Language in Handling Animals
277. Common Handling and Restraint of Companion Birds
279. When Chemical Restraint of Dogs or Cats is Warranted
280. Horseback Riding Tips: Part I
282. Horseback Riding Tips: Part II